What is VUCA and How Do You Lead in Challenging Times?

The term VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. It was first used by the US Army War College to teach strategic leadership and decision making. Ever since VUCA has been widely used to…
SEO Migration

How to Manage a Successful SEO Migration – Checklist

What is an SEO Migration? An SEO migration is transferring search engine ranking, authority, and indexing signals to reflect a critical change in your website.  In a website migration, a website can undergo everything from…
CMO Skills

9 Skills Every CMO Needs to Thrive in 2021

The Pandemic has knocked the wind out of many organizations and CMOs need to shift their strategy and master new skills to retain their customers and drive growth for their business. In today’s increasingly volatile…

What is RFM? Why Does Customer Segmentation Matter?

As a marketing professional, you may find yourself beating your brains out over acquiring new customers in order to optimize targeting and costs. But wait a minute. How about the customers who already made purchases?…

What is Growth Marketing and How Does it Actually Work?

Growth Marketing is basically building individualized messaging and content that are aligned with the customer needs by creating a unique approach to attracting, engaging, and retaining customers. Also, it is a process of designing and…
3 men works with tablet and laptop

2020 Inbound Marketing Trends

What is Inbound Marketing? Since 2006, Inbound Marketing has been one of the most effective methods which was found out by Hubspot and being more complicated while the digital world has been evolving. In short,…

25 Ways to Increase Sales and Lead Generation

Do you want to increase the profitability of your company through your website? Generating website traffic is only half of success. You may spend months to double the traffic to your website, but if you…